Hello! Hery here 👋
Wild week uh? Not even 10 days since we've launched and we're already rebranding!
What Happened
After launching, I realised Making didn't provide enough value by itself. Why would someone play a indie hacking game to build a product without having proofs it actually works?
After doing some investigation and analysing the competition, I got really impressed with some of the indie hackers out there. Check out this IndiePage leaderboard by Marc Lou. Aren't those numbers so motivating?
That's when I saw the potential synergy and added value I could bring to Making. By talking to the best makers out there and breaking down their process into actionable missions (the same ones you can find in the Making game), I could actually prove that playing the game was worth.
Introducing IndieMaking
Meet IndieMaking, the rebrand of the Making game. It combines a library of successful product breakdowns, as well as the Making game to replicate that success.
I'm still trying to gather as much product cases as possible, so if you've built a profitable product, pleeease reach out so I can feature you on IndieMaking. Every maker gets a free membership, so you'll get access to that library for free to learn about other makers, and to the Making game, which you can use to streamline your building process.
Looking forward to making indie hacking accessible to all with you.
Happy hacking!